SENTRY (S)ecurity (Entry) Additional Notes --------------------------------------------- HOTKEY.COM The latest version of SENTRY V1.02 can now be activated by executing HOTKEY.COM, this emulates the hot key sequence and permits users to lock the machine at the end of a batch file automatically. Example BACKUP.BAT COPY *.TXT A: /V COPY *.BAK A: /V HOTKEY.COM The batch file above would copy all .TXT and .BAK files to the A: Floppy disk drive and then lock the machine. ASKPASS.EXE ASKPASS.EXE enables the user to change the SENTRY password everytime the computer is re-booted, by adding it to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, you will be prompted for a new password that will be valid until the computer is turned off or re-booted. Example AUTOEXEC.BAT PATH = C:\DOS CD\SENTRY SENTRY.EXE ASKPASS.EXE CD\ Of course if you wish to lock the computer as soon as it is turned on, add HOTKEY.COM to the AUTOEXEC.BAT, then the machine will be disabled automatically, the FIXPASS.EXE can be used to "burn-in" a permanent password. Example AUTOEXEC.BAT PATH = C:\DOS CD\SENTRY SENTRY.EXE HOTKEY.COM CD\ WINDOWS Using Sentry under Microsoft Windows, (Version 3.X) SENTRY.EXE is a TSR and as such use's the keyboard interrupt to perform some functions. Windows disables TSR's when it is loaded, and therefore if SENTRY is resident before Windows is executed, it will not function. However Windows now has support for TSR's and SENTRY can be run as any other application, by loading the program and and using the HOTKEY sequence, this will lock the computer and disable the Alt-Ctrl-Del function. It is not necessary to use the Ctrl-C sequence to get back to Windows, the Ctrl-Esc program switching facility can be used, enabling the user to return to SENTRY in the normal way. UPDATES AND REGISTRATION Remember to return the registration form, this document will be used by WSA to keep a list of users, you cannot be notified of upgrades and new products unless we have your details.